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Full-stack configuration & secrets.
Batteries included.

Get started
npx dmno init

Type-safe env vars

DMNO auto-generates powerful types for your config schema with intuitive documentation built right in.

Validation & coercion

Clean and check your config at every step of the way. Our built-in types cover 95% of use cases. Easily add custom validation logic on top.

Keep your secrets safe

DMNO prevents you from accidentally leaking any secrets, and helps you sync with teammates without sending .env files over slack.

Composable config

Easily reuse config definitions and you can even share resolved config values across services in a monorepo, if you are using one.

Live reload

Our resolve -w mode reloads your schema and restarts your code whenever anything changes. It's vite powered and FAST.

Comprehensive configuration toolkit

Includes everything you need to manage config - no need to wire together 5 different tools or spend weeks integrating an external service

Drop-in integrations for your favorite frameworks & tools

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