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🚧 DMNO is still in beta! Use with caution!
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How DMNO uses .env files

DMNO uses .env files in two ways:

  1. To scaffold out the initial schema in your config.mts files when your run dmno init
  2. To set value overrides to be used while resolving your config values

Let’s zoom in on each of these.

Scaffolding the schema

When you run dmno init, DMNO will look for all .env files in your project and use them to scaffold out the schema in your config.mts files. This includes all .env files, regardless of being gitignored or checked in, including samples, and environment specific files.

We try to infer as much about each config item as possible by:

  • Including related comments as a description
  • Infer the type (extends) based on the value for basic types like boolean, number, email, url
  • Set the value and not mark it as sensitive if the file was checked into source control. This includes using value: switchByNodeEnv(...) if values were found in multiple environment specific files
  • Set an exampleValue from a value from a .env.sample

This automatic scaffolding of your config schema is meant to be a good starting point, but you should review it and make adjustments as necessary.

Setting overrides via .env files

Whenever we are resolving your configuration values, dmno will load any .env files within a .dmno folder and apply those values as overrides. This means that they will take higher precendence than values set directly in your schema, and lower precedence than overrides set via actual environment variables passed in from your shell. The overall precedence order from highest to lowest is:

  • Environment variables from your shell (e.g., ENV_VAR=xyz npm run dev)
  • File based overrides
    • .env.*.local - applied only if NODE_ENV matches *
    • .env.*
    • .env.local
    • .env
  • Values set via your config.mts schema

While we support it, we do not recommend using complicated .env file setups like this within dmno! It is supported purely to ease migration. Instead we recommend migrating this logic into the schema itself - setting values using functions and helpers like switchBy to express more complex overriding behaviour, and using plugins to load sensitive values securely. See our Schema Authoring guide for more details.

We do, however, recommend using a single gitignored .env.local file to store any overrides you want to apply locally. This can be useful for short-lived temporary settings that you may want to toggle during development - like flags that enable certain debugging related features. It’s also where we recommend storing sensitive keys that you don’t want checked into version control; values that in deployed environments you would set via actual environment variables.

If you’re using plugins to handle your sensitive config values, you would store the sensitive keys that enable those plugins in your .env.local file. For example, for our 1Password plugin, the 1Password service account token, or for our Encrypted Vault plugin, the key used to decrypt the vault file. This allows you the simplicity of only having to worry about one single config item, while keeping everything secure.